1·A glass optical waveguide (OWG) hydrogen chloride gas sensor was fabricated by coating a thin film of CR-PVA on the surface of ion-exchanged glass OWG with spin coating.
2·Float plants today make glass of near optical quality.
3·In 1907, Einstein likely did not foresee a time when dust-sized particles of glass could be trapped and suspended in air by dual laser beam "optical tweezers."
4·In 197o, researchers at Corning Glass Works were able to produce a kilometer-long ultrapure optical fiber.
5·The colour effects of metal nanoparticles in stained glass has inspired new research into optoelectronics for faster computing and high-capacity optical-data storage media.
6·Silicosis is a disabling respiratory disease caused by inhaling silica dust, which is used in the production of glass products, optical fibers, cement, and more.
7·Lead and cadmium in optical and filter glass.
8·Optical performance: Various glass substrates can be used for IGU to meet the request of sunlight transmission and reflection.
9·Optical glass with high refractive index and high dispersion are used more and more as optical design trend to miniaturization and digital.
10·The gel has similar optical properties to the tube's so that no light reflects off the glass.